Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Do i have to cry for u ??? :

Don't wanna close the door,
Don't wanna give up on it
Don't wanna fight no more,
We'll find a way around it,Where's the love we had?...
We can make it last
Tell me what I gotta be,
Tell me what you wanna do
'Cause I can't live my life
The way you want me to
You know I can't go onLiving like we do
Do I have to cry for you?
Do I have to cry for you?
So tell me what it's for,
If there's no winner in it?
Nobody's keeping score,
Let's start from the beginning
Can we make it last
Where’s the love we had ..................................

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

bring dring bing ...... :
click here

Monday, May 02, 2005


Duhh... si assie dah lama sekaleee gak posting... sepiiii tauuu

gw isi poem gw aja kali ye??? hehehe... neh... biar pada melotot yg baca... sakit jantung sekalian!

The Way You Love Me

I miss you already
Never thought I'd be this sappy
Never thought I'd feel
The way I'm feelin right now

Never been hit this hard
Never felt this way before
I used to feel so careless
And content with the way life was

Now I’m feeling lonely
And it’s only been a few hours
Since you left my side
And now I feel weird

I love your smell
I love the way you hold me
I love the way you tease me
I love everything about you and me

The way we can talk about anything
Without feeling awkward
The way we fight about everything
And always end up in each other’s arms

I love the way you make me
Feel like I’m the most beautiful princess
In the whole wide world
And that no one else matters to you, but me

I love the way you make me
Feel special every second we’re together
I love the way you treat me
Like I’m yours forever

I love the way you don’t care
About anything but us at the present
Though you sometimes worry
Of what the future holds for us

I love the way you handle
My not-so-good attitudes
And the way you can always make me
Blush until I go purple

I miss you already
Though you’ve only been gone a few hours
I miss you in a thousand ways
I feel incomplete without you

I miss the way I feel
So comfortable when I’m with you
So free when I’m with you
Cuz you love me unconditionally

It’s true what they say
You don’t know what you’ve got
Until you say goodbye
And then comes the “If only I’d…”

If only I’d been less harsh
If only I’d been more loving
If only I’d been more cheerful
If only I was more expressive…

But you know that no matter what
It’s worth the pain
And no matter what
You know I love you

I miss your kiss
I miss your touch
I miss you holding me tight
And never let go

I miss you gently pulling my hair
And playfully kicking my ass
And smudged my make up
And pulled me close to you

I miss you telling me
What a bitch I am
And me telling you
What an asshole you are

I miss your smell
I miss you irritating me
I miss you making fun of me
And then say “But I love you nonetheless”

I love the way you
Let me know how much you love me
I love the way you love me
Simply for being me

I love how I can be myself
And not worry about nothing
And talk about anything
When I’m with you

So this is how it feels
To know deep down
That no one will ever love me
As much as you love me

The way I feel so safe
And taken care of
And that nothing can go wrong
When I’m with you

I miss you letting me win
Sometimes when we argue
Just to shut me up
And then proves me wrong

I miss you in a thousand ways
I want us to last forever
And I want to love you
Like you love me

100% by Mathilda... Tues, April 26, 2005. 9.42 pm

Saturday, April 02, 2005

crapz :
pemecatan karyawan dan blog


Thursday, March 24, 2005

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

craps :

percaya ga percaya neh ... gw bisa sakit man ! .....
iyeh beberapa hari lalu mencra mencri ... kalo nelen makanan rasa nya cuman sampai tenggorokan dan ga mau masuk lagi ..biar udah di minumin juga .. heran ... dan langsung muntah saat itu juga
kebanyakan blow job kalee gw .. jadi buntu kali yee , banyak kotoran ngeganjel di tenggorokan gw ..

sekarang gw dah sehat lagi ... dah bisa makan pedes lage ... tapi gw dah males jajan di luaran lagi ..
sakit tuh ga enak .. di rumah ga ngerti mo ngapain .. nungguin org yg ajak ngobrol ... awwww man how lonely i am ... jadi sensi getu gw nya ..
nungguin org ... trus ketemu yg di tungguin kayak tai ... pffffft tambah kesel ..

untung gw dah sehat .. biar di rumah gw bisa mikir bener ...krn pikiran itu kuat .. pikiran itu yg membuat .. ... ... ...
tsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah * citate dr* bullscrapz ...

tadi gw ke KFC .. pingin junk food yg banyak fat nye *LOH* kata nye males njajan ! ... ga jajan gw ... kebetulan lewat trus ada coupon di jalan dan gw ambil bisa buat beli kentucky .. ga papa lah dah lama banget gw ga makan ayam goreng yg berlemak gini ..
trus gw makan pake sambel ABC xtra pedas ( semoga ga xtra mencret dah ) sampai saat ini sih OK OK aja perut gw .. ga tau nanti

trus trus ... ngapain aja gw hari ini ? periksa darah yessss .. gw periksa darah ... sejak kapan gw concern dgn yg beginian ? bener nya dah lama sih .... gw rutin kok .. semoga positive dah hasil nye ( zero positive ) hehehehe HIV viriiiii ...
selain priksa darah juga urine test ..

hmm trus ke amsterdam beli KFC itu tadi .... sekrg gw sampai rumah lagi mo nonton dvd ... paan ye ??? 13 going 30 ? iye dah yg simple2 aja film nya . males nonton yg serius .. tambah pandai ntar gw .

gw sambil surf hotel2 di Toronto neh ? ada yg bisa kasih suggestion hotel mane yg paling enak buat honeymoon ? tssssss hihihi honeymoon ma boneka miss piggy gw !
iye rencana mau ke toronto gw .. cuman blom tau kapan ntar dah kalo dah pasti gw tulis di sini ... 3 minggu sebelom nya ..
jalan jalan kok ke toronto ? iya neh ga ada ide mau kemana ..
itu juga paling seminggu ...
seminggu ga ngapa2 in betah gw ????? hope so !
seminggu tanpa laptop ? seminggu tanpa scrap book ? seminggu tanpa music ?
sewa mobil ? muter2 ogah ! capek .. mendingan pake subway ! train dan bus kota ! praktis kaga mikirin parkir . TTYL folks ...

Thursday, March 17, 2005

:: BROKEN ::

The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There’s so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

Ga ada bosen nya gw denger ini lagu tau kenapa bisa suka banget ...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Nissan Skyline :

Skyline 900 pk ....
click here 315 km/h
Nike commercial :

slam dunk!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Monday, March 07, 2005

Crapz :

beberapa bulan terakhir ini gw emang in lop ...
susah dah buat di tuliskan dgn kata kata hueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hahahaha ....
lha terus ?? sekrg ini ? yaaaaaaaa tambah in lop ...
banyak dapat pengakuan2 yg ugh ... bikin ati kayak di silet silet dan di siram aer jeruk ... perih getu baca nya ...

tadi kerja spt biasa ... tapi malas banget .. denger berita aki mobil nya rusak ... dan gw sms dgn sok tau nya * ganti aki paling 10 menit lah* hihihi emang gw tau yak ? ga ngurusin mobil gw mah ... aki di sebelah mana aja ga ngerti letak nya ... ga suka mobil , suka nya naik bus aja .. enak tinggal duduk dan di setirin , bisa tidurrrrrrrrr pula .bisa senggol2 toket , pantat, dan laen sebagainya ...trus kalo bus nya di rem mendadak badan kita ikutan maju ( kalo depan nya cewe ) tapi bagian perut kebawah aja yg maju ... kalo depan nya ABRI ( tentara ) tiba tiba ga ada grafitasi sama sekali biar di rem mendadak juga .. tetep aja tuh badan bisa bertahan di tempat .

lama juga ya gw ga nulis ? kemana aja kah saya akhir2 ini .. bukan males nulis sih .. ga ada ilham mau nulis apa , blank .... isi nya melodrama mulu neh idup kalo lagi kangen . tsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah , kangen ...
iye man bisa kangen gw ...*midlle finger fo ya * <---- hihih neh gaya gw kalo di blog ... hihi kalo dah nelphone atau di telphone kayak kucing di mandiin minyak panas ! naik semua tuh bulu ! gimana kalo ketemu ye ???? cengar cengir paling ... trus ya hmmmm .. adegan ranjang aja dah ! yg ga perlu ngomong ! perlu ngerintih doang ....

masih sappy aja ya gw nulis blog nye .... biarin dah ... sekali kali dalam hidup ...mesti di nikmatin !

pa khabar kalian semua ???? have a nitemare then ! .... c yaaa !
sialan ... lupa ngeringin baju gw !

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

neh gw lagi nyanyi father's son nya 3 doors down ... coba lo bisa denger ... suara gw yang serak2 basah basah kuyup !
crapz :

tadi pagi bangun pagi .. berangkat kerja ... stel lagu 3 doors down -"father's son"
gileeeee ga pernah gw kenceng2 stel music di mobil .. tapi lagu yg ini ... wawwwwwwwwwwwww dah pokok nya ...
sedap banget , setelah itu lagu "it's not me" pada beli gihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ....
dan di urutan terakhir lagu nya Lonestar -"amazed" hihihihi mellow banget gemetaran gw denger nya hahahahaha ....sappy song !

dan pulang kerja ... kejadian nya sama dgn yg gw tulis di atas , beda nya gw ga pulang ke rumah tapi ke supermarket dulu .. beli minum an ... habis , kulkas gw kosong !
ok then .. gw mo tidur ... eh ga deng mau nonton dvd -"spartan"- val kilmer yg maen ... tau dah tentang paan ...

my world - 3 doors down
sk8 dawg :

sk8 dawg ... kewl ! ( click here )

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

CD :

feeling good

feeling good :

masih tetep lagu ini neh yg gw denger dr kemaren
gw baru balik dr kerjaan , blom mandi .. males ... besok juga kotor lage ...
barusan blogwalking ... baca baca tuh org laen punya blog .. mereka kok pada bisa ya nulis getu ... gw kok susaaaaaaah bgt buat nulis *goblok kaleeeeeeeeeeee gw yee *
selalu ga ngerti mau nulis paan ? begitu pas buka ini blog ... dr dulu gw selalu gitu , tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss dengerin dah lagu yg "home" enakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk .....

Monday, February 21, 2005

crapz :

enak enak banget lagu nya si Buble
besok mau nyari album nya kalo sempet , kalo ga sempet ya download aja .
yg feeling good itu gw dulu suka banget tuh lagu . nih lagu asli nya Nina simone yg nyanyi , versi alternative rock nya di nyanyiin MUSE
yg michael buble nyanyiin ini ... yg paling enak .. nurut gw sihhhhhhhhhh ... nurut pecandu narkotika yg muse kali yeeeee yg enak .. feeling gooooddddd .... * sambil sniff sniff ngehirup cocaine*

Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom in the tree
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

bentar lagi gw mau tidur ... seharian gw produktif sekali ,ke toko bunga 3 tempat . ngisi restitusi pajak . ngerjain proyek2 yg telantar . untung ga ada deadline2 an ! ga musim ! mau deadline bikin ma sana sendiri jgn kasih proyek ke gw ...


Friday, February 18, 2005

Broke up ? :

One of the fashion world's most celebrated gay relationships may be over, according to press reports.
Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have reportedly split up after nearly 20 years together.
However, fans of the pair's clothes can take heart - apparently the couple will continue to work together on the D&G brand, which has become one of the world's biggest.
The fashion designers were one of the world's best-known names and gay relationships, designing clothes for celebrities such as Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Beyonce Knowles

0-14 ans Couture :

Du pareil au meme . fr

After his release from a six-month stretch in L.A. County Jail's Biscaluz Recovery Center for violating probation on a felony heroin charge, 32-year-old Stone Temple Pilot Scott Weiland is no less the rock star. He's still the thin tattooed duke [And have you seen the Sour Girl video?-Ed.] But these days, he's looking more like a rock star with a gym membership than the guy with a $100-a-day heroin habit and an arrest record to rival O.D.B. Michelle Lee sat down with Scott in Manhattan recently so he could wax poetic about grunge, his new life as a family man and what makes his hair stand on end
an interview with scott weiland by Michael Lee

ML : You were married recently. Was it a traditional wedding?

SW : It was traditional, yeah. White dress, but very free-form flowing. We had someone help us get the details together. For weddings, I know that the details tend to be more important to the bride than to the groom, but this really meant a lot to both of us. We had high expectations of how the day would go and I'd have to say our expectations were exceeded. It was probably the most beautiful experience of my whole life.

ML: How was it different from your first wedding?

SW: The first time I was married, the whole day was a blur. I think for most people it's that way. Mary [Forsberg] and I have been in love for a long time. Just the fact that we have such a deep love and trust for each other it's like finally after all these years, we're able to be together. It was just an amazing day.

ML: So what did you wear?

SW: I had some stuff made for me. One lucky fringe benefit of being a quote-unquote rock star is that you end up befriending some amazing fashion designers. And Mary knows quite a bit herself. Weirkstat, the boutique that made her dress, is actually here in Soho. They make handmade dresses. I'm friends with the guys who own Lord's. They handmade me a suit. Black, kind of simple. I didn't want it too rock. It was a little bit rock. Then Richard Tyler made me a monochromatic shirt and matching tie that was in sort of a dusty rose which is the color that her bridesmaids wore.

ML: Shoes?

SW: Shoes were Prada. Actually, the shoes I was going to wear were Gucci, but our personal assistant forgot to check what time the shoe guy closed shop the day before the wedding and she got there after they closed. So I was shit out of luck for a few moments there. I was going to wear an older pair of Gucci loafers -- not feeling too confident about it -- but a friend of ours who photographs our band strutted into the hotel where I was staying the night before because I didn't want us to stay together the night before. That part was traditional. I had to wait a night for the prize [smiles]. He came in that morning and he was sporting these brand new Prada lace-up loafers. I spotted them and I was just kind of like, "I've got a proposition for you: How about if I wear your brand new Prada shoes to my wedding and you wear my two-year-old Gucci loafers?" He obliged and it all worked out.

ML: I bet you looked great. So how does one go about looking like a bad-ass rock star? How do you do your hair?

SW: I like Toncho Stick. For years, I used Murray's Pomade. But over the last year and a half I got turned on to this Toncho Stick. It's pretty much the same consistency but it's just easier to apply. I apply it in the shower when my hair is wet, kind of push it back and when I towel it off it goes everywhere. And it's not stiff, not greasy; it's more of a wax and it doesn't matter what kind of shampoo I use. Any kind of shampoo goes.

ML: What about your skin?

SW: For soap, I like Cetaphil. I know a lot of this is because I married a model and she knows how to take care of her skin. There wasn't much taking care of my skin when I was on those numerous chemical adventures. I seemed to spend a lot of my time picking at my skin then. And as far as moisturizer goes, the stuff that I really love is -- do you know of a salon in Sunset Plaza called Ola Henrickson? They do facials and stuff. It's their only place. It's not a chain -- they make their own skincare products and they have this amazing eucalyptus creme and it's not too greasy. I don't have any with me right now because I ran out and I've been forced to use other stuff. Actually, I seem to breaking out a little bit.

ML: Yeah, I think it's the weather. It's humid.

SW: Really? Well, that moisturizer seems to work for me. I also like Clinique Moisture Surge.

ML: Well you look fabulous. Married life must be treating you well.

ML: I've been hearing great things all day about these bad-ass pants you're wearing [white leather with red flames down the sides].

SW: Yeah, do you like them? I just got 'em today. I was here with Michael Hilfiger last night and he told me to come down. They just finished their rock star line and they had some leftovers from fashion shows. I was going through them but didn't come across anything that was vibing me. Then I saw these and said: "These are definitely very Evel Knievel." They're hip huggers and they're boot cut, so I'm into it.

ML: Leather suits you much better than flannel. Did it piss you off that you were considered "grunge" for so long?

SW: Yeah. We were never grunge. We came out at a time when there was a very healthy infusion in rock 'n' roll because it was so stale for so long. In the 80s, bands like Poison and Winger dominated. There were only a couple bright spots there -- Guns 'N Roses' first album, maybe one or two Motley Crue records, Metallica, then Jane's Addiction at the end of the decade. So when we came out, we were part of a movement in rock that brought hope to a lot of young people. I think we echoed a lot of feelings and emotions and frustrations that young people felt a kinship to. The grunge tag was sort of just lumped in with all those groups that came out then.

ML: And grunge was more about style than the music, in a way.

SW: Right. Grunge's fashion sense was about the whole anti-star thing. That definitely said something. But that's not where we were at. Musically, lyrically and idealistically, we were very similar to other groups. But the newly successful/former underground bands that were starting to get big like Jane's Addiction and the Chili Peppers were into a whole other thing and there was always sort of an element of fashion involved.

ML: What are you most passionate about these days?

SW: It sounds kind of pompous, but I'd have to say leisure. As I've gotten sober -- not locked in my own cell of addiction -- I've really come to enjoy having the opportunity to experience life. I used to dread going on vacation because it was a sort of false sense of reality. I wasn't on vacation. I was still strung out and a slave to chemicals now I'm really able to experience what it's like to take a vacation. To just live moment to moment. That's like to eat and swim and scuba dive and surf.

ML: Will you have any time off on tour?

SW: Not for the next few months. We have a ten-day break between the two legs with the Chili Peppers. Mary will probably be about six-and-a-half months pregnant by that time. She's four-and-a-half months pregnant now.

ML: I'm so happy for you. Do you know if it's a boy or girl?

SW: It's a boy. I'm glad that I'm in a time in my life where I can do this for real. I'm also grateful that I'll be a young dad. It's something I've always wanted to do to have a child when I'm young enough to really appreciate him and participate in his life. I think our break comes right before the end of Mary's second trimester, so we're looking to try to take a vacation somewhere in the Caribbean, somewhere that's not too populated. I want to experience different cultures, different foods, clean air and enjoy being alive.

bron :

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Crapz :

neh siapa lageeeeeeee yg posting kemaren ..... ;)
hari ini gw ke Antwerpen ( Belgie) , berangkat jam 9 pagi , sebelomnya gw sempet di telpon ama cousin gw tuh yg ada foto di bawah .. trus ya gw samperin dia sekalian gw ajak ke Belgie ,
di antwerpen cuman 3 jam lah kira kira ...
trus jam 3 an balik lage ke NL ntah jam 3 ntah jam 2 .. sorrry bow ga pernah inget waktu gw .
makan di AC restaurant .. ga tau tuh resto paan ...mayan enak . drpd kaga makan sih ..

sampai di rumah kira kira jam 7 an .. sebelom masuk rumah kok liat di kotak surat gw nongol amplop warna coklat getuh ...( ini dia yg gw tunggu2 sejak minggu lalu )
eh benerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pas gw buka * bengong* , bukan nya nih paket gw dah trima minggu lalu ? cuman warna amplop aja beda ????????? De ja vu kaleeeee
trus gw nelpon Mathilda tapi ga di angkat ! dasar keboooooooo....tidur diaaaaa
beberapa menit kemudian trima sms gw ... yg isi nya ... enak nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa boboooooo .. * sigh* ... asssieeee molor mulu loe !
trus gw telephone balik lage ... di angkat , dan bla bla bentar banget cengar cengir ...
trus nulis email ...

dan ini lah photo card nya ! handmade by Mathilda ... kalo ada yg mau pesen bisa tuh melalui gw !! hehehee ..
foto cousin gw juga yg gw ajak ke belgie si Stef ...

later ya'll

Wednesday, February 16, 2005



Gimana yah kalo org tuh dipaksa mesti ngomong Luv2-an n miss2-an??? kasian bgt... yah mesti dr hati lah... don't every say it if u don't mean it...

Gw gak pernah maksa kok... kok merasa mesti getu yak??? hihihihi bacotttt loo J

lagi dengerin "Patty Smith"-Sometimes love just ain't enough... "There's a danger in loving somebody too much... baby sometimes love just ain't enough"

Take it easy babe... u're ready when u're ready... don't push it... "jalanin" kan mottonya...lupa yaaaa

Alrite... gonna go wacth the Notebook (Les Pages de Notre Amour) gak nyambung kan yah tuh French translations nya... hahaha dodol sih yg translate nye... "The Pages of Our love" justru tuh judul lebih bagus... hmmm

Mandi dulu kali ye... baru pulang kerja dah langsung ke compie.. gara2 seharian ditungguin ama Mr. J... kerja bosen setengah mampus, sms mulu jadinya... sampe ampir gila saking bosennya...

Eh gw jahat lho tadi, J sampe telat bobonya gara2 gwnya lagi asshole mode... huahaha... n dianya juga ikut2an getu... ya udah deh... jadi sama2 asshole gak boleh dimasukin ke ati yeee-->kata J...
Yesh bossh.. whatever u say bossh *ngakak*

I'm gonna be busy until Sunday... so we're gonna be total assholes when we talk again. Somethin 2 look forward 2, rite? ^.~

Lots of L n H,
bocah ajaib >(^o^)<
enjoy yer meal :

reklame :

summer di NL atau di Brussel ?? silahkan antri di sini ..... Australianicecreamdotcom perlu anda coba ..
Crapz :
gw lagi denger lagu M2M neh ... tau kan ye ? don't say u love me , mirror mirror , girl in yer dreams blom lama sih ya lagu lagu itu ?? paling beberapa tahun lalu kan ye ?? atau ingetan gw aja yg jelek ??? th 2000 an kliatan nya ...
pokok nya anak gw suka tuh lagu itu ... mirror2

* sambil joget neh gw denger nyaaaa *
mirror- mirror ... kaca kaca kali yeee maksud nye atau ngacaaaaaaaa loeee! getu juga bisa kali , tau dah

Why don't I like the girl I see?
The one who's standing right in front of me.
Why don't I think before I speak?
I should have listened to that voice inside me.
I must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mind
To say the kind of things I said last night ---- > habis nulis mail panjang kaleee
Mirror, Mirror hanging on the wall
You don't have to tell me
Who's the biggest fool of all.
Mirror, Mirror I wish you could lie to me.
And bring my baby back,
Bring my baby back to me.

dah mandi ... denger lagu bisa ga mandi neh gw ...
yeaaaaah besok ke Belgie gw ! mo ikut ????
Games :

Play w/ yer balls ;)) Click here ... nice flash player game ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

not even once

"Not even once :("

hari ini gw kerja spt hari hari biasa nya juga .... kira kira jam 11.52 gw trima sms yg isi nya ...
at work J ? ok then .. have a rotten day hehehehe , ....
trus gw bales juga ok sucka .. have a rotten day too 4 ya
dan gw kerja kembali dgn tenang .... biasa nya kalo ada sms spt itu gw terus dapet balasan nya tapi kali ini tidak sama sekali ... ooh .. lagi ke bengkel mungkin tuh si pengirim atau kemana ga tau dah ...
beberapa jam kemudian kirim ke dia 3x sms .. ga di bales juga ok .. sibuk kaleee eh habis send msg yg ketiga HP gw bunyi dapet sms dr dia .. "gi ol hun ?" gw di lab neh ... bareng getu .. gw pikir spt biasa nya sering kejadian banget ngirim bareng getu .. ok .. berarti dia trima juga tuh yg gw send ....
trus jam 4 tepat nya sore pas gw masih di kerjaan di ruangan yg penuh dgn manusia bau apek ... ngerti sendiri lah jam 4 sore muke dah pada kusut ... masih di suruh ngumpul ... jadi lah gw sempet bales tuh sms sedikit aja ... dgn balesan yg gw tulis juga dari msg yg dia kirim ... still alive ? r u ok ?? getu aja isi nya ? * gw rada rada bengong ! * lagi HIGH neh kali dia ...
trus ... sampai jam 19.00 gw balik ... sampai rumah gw buka mail yg puanjang suekali itu .... dan gw baca kalimat per kalimat ......tetep ga ngerti * emang dasar nya bego gw kali yak * ...
trus jam 21.00 gw dapet sms yg isi nya "J pls sms rite now ! if u r ok " gw dapet sms yg begituan yaaaaa panik , bingung , gelisah , pokoknya bingung kayak bencong kena garukan getuh , tapi dgn reaksi gw yg sangat cepat a la jet lie ... gw langsung ambil HP dan gw telphone balik si pengirim .... "kenapa ???? ini J neh ...... r u ok ? " terlihat kaget si penerima telephone .....trus gw kan ga mau lah jadi kaku getu pembicaraan nya ... gw tanya lagi kirim kok gw selalu balas ada 6 atau 7 tuh sms ... "no way * dgn ngotot getuh * .....noooooooo .... "not even once " * gw ngebayang pas bilang gitu dgn mata ber kaca kaca , soal nya bangun tidur ,dan kaget sweeet !

dr situ gw bisa liat , nih org begitu gede juga rasa sayang nya * hihi i luv u too sucka! ":))... cuman dia emang master buat ga memperlihatkan
begitulah kalo liat HP ga pake mata tapi pake feelings ! emang bisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
ahhhh ga bisa nerusin neh di gangguin mulu pas nulis nye ..... taeeeee .... bersambung lagi ah besok ! eh gw bikin blog baru tuh ...

thanks to :
Motorola !

Desperate ppl @MSN :
starring :
Maw as Maw
Jay as J

kling bunyi ... msg yg gw denger dr msn .... dgn tulisan JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH ....
gw bales , dgn lemes ..... Reen
trus terjadilah basa basi ... gi ngapz loe ? ... bla bla bla bla ...
gi patalan yak ? pacaran maksud nya ...
trus trus gw jawab paan patalan lagi krisis neh .. dapet email panjang tapi gw ga ngerti maksud nye paan
si Maw jawab dgn .... hmmmmmm * sok wise * kali yeee dia jawab begitu ..
ah sama sama desperate gurl ketemu desperate man kata maw ... jadi ngakak dah gw !
mesti bisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa move on ......
trus gw jawab .. mestiiiiiiiiii bisaaaaaaa kaga di mabuk cinta ... back to real J
iye mabok Jack Daniels aja kata nya ..
seru juga pembicaraan ntah nama nya paan curhat , complain , bla bla bla ...
sempat juga sedikit perselisihan ... pas gw bicara ttg gimana cara nya move on , hihihi gw sendiri bukan expert di bidang beginian , kok ya di denger omongan gw ...

trus dia mandi .... nyalain webcam nye eeeeeeh kaga deng ... wah maw gemana neh gw tulis di blog ???? trus ke campus ambil sesuatu ...
dan dia kirim gw 1 mp3 - damien rice - ( judulnya lupa gw maw ) blowers daughter kali ye ...
enak juga ...

maw .. bisa kok move on maw .. sekrg aja elo dah bisa getu ... biasa man ... pemain utama tuh selalu menang di akhiran nya ... kalo kalah di tengah2 ya sequel lah kayak film kill bill 1 , 2 .. pokoknya elu pasti menang kok maw tenang ajeeee ... *sambil ngasih samurai .. kalo kalah pedang aje *

gw sendiri lagi " menderita " neh .. dangdut session sayah belom berakhir ....i love you , ga bisa tidur , mikirin elo , kata kata itulah yg gw ketik .... soalnya kalo gw ngomong ya ga bakalan kluar lah yg kayak gitu ! bisa langsung ... operasi tenggorokan kali krn keselek bolak balik , jadi yak harap maklum .. buat yg baca ! dan kena sms gw hihihih ...
kenapa gw bilang2 kata itu ... yg dari dulu gw jarang ucapin ? yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah kepingin aja getu law yaw ... kan serasa muda lageee getuhhhh ...maklum masa muda gw ilang dgn kerja paksa hihih dan ga kenal cewe * tssssssssaaaaaah * hard workin assie !
eh ga tau nya yg trima sms malah ngerasa bersalah karena gw menderita ...yooo olohhhhh sorryyyyyyy ....atas ke dangdutan saya .,.... habis situ cantik sih ... kalo saya sebelahan ma situ saya ga merasa manusia deh Math hihihi

Monday, February 14, 2005

mbak Jen :

pisah ga sih dia ma mas brad ??? gara gara gw kali yak pisah nya ? * merasa bersalah* neh
crapz :

nih gw hapus2 in neh comment di shoutbox gw ... tssss bikin pasaran saya turun dah kalian ! heheuehueheuhuehuee
jarang gw nulis ttg wanita di blog ! sisi dangdut hahahah
iye neh lagi kena sisi dangdut gw ...
krn valentine kali yak ... valentine sendiri ... ga lewat depan rumah gw ternyata valentine nya ... jadi ya kluar dah sisi dangdut nya ..
padahal gw dah siap depan pintu neh .. kalo ada wanita lewat mau gw panggil2 "hey hey godain gw dong "* sambil naik turunin ritsleting celana *

dah ah ... gw dah seger lagi saudara2 ... * mang ada yg mikirin * hihihih ... kemaren tidur dan bangun jam 9 lebih ... lebih nya berapa ga tau dah lebih 2 jam kaleee ..
trus gw ke kerjaan sampai jam 2 siang getu balik .. sebelom macet ! ternyata ga macet hehehe minggu ini rupanya liburan anak sekolah di regio gw ...

wes ah .... ntar lagi posting nya , mau ke tempat penyewaan dvd di Rogers !

crapz :

apa sih yg di rasa in kalo lagi suka ma org , kalo lagi sayang ma orang ?
loe selalu pingin ada buat dia . kalo lo ngerasa org itu nungguin elo ? ngerasa bersalah ga elo nya .... gw paling jarang suruh orang laen nunggu gw soal nya .
bisa gak ya gw selalu ada buat org laen ?
nyesel neh gw , tadi pagi pagi banget dah bangun tapi gw males buat bangun nya ..
next time better .. sorry M
happy valentine Mathilda

update :
happy valentine M , W , L , P , A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , X ,Y, Z , ( everyone ) :)

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Cliche :

enak nih lagu nya ... promo single ( click here )

crapz :

mau ngapain yak gw hari ini ? seharian kaga tidur gini kok ga ngantuk juga ! denger music lagi bosen denger yg gedubrak an getuh .. denger yg slow ... hmmm when u believe aja dah di stel ... M. carey en mbak wit ... ( mbak Whitney Houston )
mbak wit emang bagus ya suara nya ... masih cocaine addict ga sih ya dia ?? tuh mereka pasangan aneh juga ye Bobby Brown en Whitney , Bobby brown dgn image " bad boy" dan setau gw Whitney tuh alim getu ... ga tau nye sama sama junks juga ... ilfill dah hihihihi

eh gw baca baca blogs nya si M . dia nulis tentang relationship lagi , in love yak loe ??? atau karena emang suasana Valentine ? aaaaaaaaaaaawwww di tulis i found in J ! apa yg dia cari selama ini * awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nggelepar di lantai baca nya sambil goyang2 in kaki * situuuuu bikin saya gimanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa getu deeeeh .

Friday, February 11, 2005


Valentine :

nih bikin kayak ginian aja buat kado valentine :

vid 1 (celline dion )

vid 2 ( ?????? )
Audioslave :

oo iya .. ada yg lupa .. hari ini gw dapet free tiket Audioslave
gw ga liat tanggal nya tgl berapa tapi mereka akan concert di Amsterdam - di Heineken Music Hall ... yeeeee hawwwww
pingin liat Chris cornel setelah jaman dulu banget gw liat dia dgn group SOUNDGARDEN
trus formasi baru nya dgn pemain band RATM - Rage Against The Machine ..

W ... gw tuh ga ngeuh ama comment elu yg kuantitas dan kualitas ... setelah di kasi tau si M baru tau gw hahaha maksud nye yg sex itu ye ? hihihihi
maklum lah saya kan pikiran nya ga "sex" mulu , sex ma ga gw pikirin .. tapi gw jalanin !
iya ya laen yak cewe tuh mau nya sex dgn kualitas .. kalo cowo mau nya asal tancep aje , asal "crot" ajeeee ... lemes , tinggal tidur .... hihihi eh tinggal ngerokok dulu deng ! trus tidur ...
gw sendiri gemana ye kalo nge "sex" ... lupa ! tanya mi huni dah ! ... hehehe ya huniiiii ??
elo gimana W ? kualitas tentu nye ye ??? eh eh sex tuh ga boleh di obrolin .. ga boleh di tulis di blog .. sex itu "sakral" hubungan antara 2 org .... aaaaaaarggggh sok tau gw ...

hmm cerita laen nya aja ah .. ganti topik ... lama nih gw ga nulis journal kehidupan gw ! hihi kehidupan gw kan menarik buat di baca ...
tadi pagi gw ke Laren ( neh kota deket Hilversum ) di mana gw dulu tinggal .. , ngapain gw ke situ ... kerja lah ...
habis dr situ gw ke Leeuwarden .. kira kira 180 km an dr rumah gw ...capek ! trus sampai rumah males masak ... akhir nye beli makanan greece ( gyros ) ... pake saus bawang putih , neh mulut ge sampai sekrg masih bau bawang ...
pas di perjalanan gw nulis sms yg sekrg kalo gw liat lage ....send msg gw ada 30 ... dan inbox gw 14 itu buat hari ini aja ... kaga keriting tuh tangan , nyetir sambil ngetik ? ya kriting juga sih ... tapi rasa nya perjalanan jadi cepet getu ... padahal macet ... di jalanan yg macet sambil cengar cengir sendiri ...
kok ga nelphone aje ye ? hihih gw kan ngiritttttt ! dan yg di seberang sana juga kali lagi sibuk ngapain getuh kalo di telephone ...

trus trus ... pada mau ngapain neh valentine .. sappy getu kata si W .. nape W ?
gw juga ga ada rencana ... mo tidur aje kali .. ngimpi ajeeeee ... ngimpi di samperin Liv Tyler !

wes ah .. mau mandi ....

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Roachford :

Pernah ada yg denger lagu2 nya dia ? penyanyi asal UK th 80 an akhir .. dgn hits nya cuddly toy ,naked without you , don't make me love you
genre music nya spt lenny kravitz tapi lebih soft ..
malam ini gw nyari CD lama album pertama nya Roachford , gw lagi pingin denger lagu "the way i feel " hmm ber debu cd nya ;(
gw stel di komputer gw ... dah gw mau denger dulu !

"the way i feel "- Andrew Roachford

So you want to call it a day
I think you're crazy
What else would i say
That's just the way that i feel
Just the way that i feel
And you say the well has run dry
They're just bitter words to me
No reason no rhyme
That's just the way that i feel
can't help the way that i feel
See i don't wanna lose you
I just want you in my life
I don't wanna argue
Over who is wrong and who is right
I don't wanna lose youI still want you in my life

the way i feel mp3 - click here to download

Roachford lyrics
Virtual Girlfriend :

click here

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Cerita :

nih guru physical education umur 27 th ... ketangkep lagi maen "dokter2"an ma murid nya umur 13 th ....
coba guru gw dulu kayak beginian ! pasti gw menjadi sukarelawan sejati lah ! abuse meeeeee !!!!!!

guru gw jaman dulu katro semua ! kaga ada yg sexy man , ... sok galak pula .

more @ cnndotcom

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Rules for a happy relationship

I bought this fridge magnet, containing the writing below... I modified them a little bit, to make them easier to understand. I thought these rules are sweet and when applied, can be really effective. Have fun trying them out... ^.~

Rules for a happy relationship

1. Never be angry at the same time

2. Never shout at each other unless it's a tragedy, e.g., your house is on fire

3. If one of you has to win an argument, let it be the other person

4. Criticize lovingly

5. Never bring up past mistakes

6. Neglect the whole world rather than each other

7. Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled

8. Compliment each other at least once a day

9. When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and apologize

10. It takes 2 to make a quarrell and the one in the wrong usually does most of the talking.


A s s h o l e h o n d
hahahaha c ya suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Crapz :

selese nulis email
trus iseng2 liat fs ( friendster ) liat profil manusia2 di internet banyak macam nya ye .... unik
trus ada di profile nya si M ttg Lingusitic Intelligence
dan iseng2 gw ngisi ... kok sama ye gw sama manusia itu si ( M ) hasil nya .. Crapzzzz neh tepuuuu ...

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

ngarang abishhhhhhhh neh , ngasal loeeee gw ga jadi apa apa gini ! funtastic poet, tsssssssss
journalist boro boro , teacher pulaaaaa apa lagi !, lawyer .. ngaco abish neh ....
banyak bgt yg kayak begituan ye di internet ... biar org ngisi dan punya harapan kali yee ..
"jual angin"
dah ah gw mau tidur kali ini tidur cepet besok jam 4 pagi bangun ! .... kalo inget ! kalo ga ya tidur lage sampai jam 8 ! laterrrrr

Valentine's day :

4 more days ha ??? presents ? candlelight dinner ? wild sex ?? make it specials!

sounds : Disturbed -


Disturbed lyrics

Monday, February 07, 2005

Disco Time :

posting sebelom gw tidur ....
good niteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

click here

Unselfish love

What good is any kind of belief or growth method if it doesn't make life better, more kind, more loving? If your life doesn't radiate these things, then your life is like a Sun that doesn't shine. The opportunity to grow, to give and to Unselfishly Love is here every moment. It is the eternal meditation, present, focused, now.
It is the goal for many people to reach Realization

"unselfish love" by charles lightwalker

For what do you want to have money? Because money in itself is neither good nor bad. It depends on what you want it for....
But have you seen any person who has money and can enjoy life too? It is very difficult... almost impossible. one has to be really a great master to have money and enjoy it! Because there are a few things to be understood:
you can earn money only if you stop enjoying life. That is the first necessity to earn money. Because soon, if you go on enjoying it, you will not be able to earn it. By the time you have earned enough, you have also earned a habit of not enjoying life ..they go together.
For example, if you want to have a million dollars it may take you five or more years. You can have a million dollars but then five or more years asceticism will have destroyed you. For fifty years you have lived for a goal which is going to be there, somewhere in the future. By the time you arrive your eyes are fixed on fifty years ahead again. That's the dilemma of the human being.
Slowly slowly, the means become the end.
Everybody thinks that he needs money to enjoy. By and by he learns that he has started enjoying having money. Once you have learned that enjoying having money you cannot enjoy anything.
So my suggestion is :
whatsoever you have, start enjoying right now. And if you don't have anything, start enjoying nothing. But enjoy it immediately don't postpone it for tomorrow. If you want to become rich you have to postpone. If you really want to enjoy tomorrow more, practise enjoyment today, because fundamentally it is not money that will make you capable of enjoying life it will be enjoyment itself.
Just start enjoying! What is missing?

Pink Floyd - "MONEY"
Floyd Pink lyrics

Crapz news:

Scientists have made them walk and talk. There are even robots that can run. But a South Korean professor is poised to take their development several steps further, and give cybersex new meaning.

Kim Jong-Hwan, the director of the ITRC-Intelligent Robot Research Centre, has developed a series of artificial chromosomes that, he says, will allow robots to feel lusty, and could eventually lead to them reproducing. He says the software, which will be installed in a robot within the next three months, will give the machines the ability to feel, reason and desire.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

2 bodies in 1 soul :

Sampai di Amsterdam jam 17.00 kemaren , terus dapet telephone Istri nya temen gw ngajak makan malam bersama di sanzaki resto atau paan dah nama nya lupa , teppan yaki resto getu . seru makan barengan orang banyak
sampai jam 11 malam kira kira sampai rumah .
trus gw ga tidur .. jam 8 pagi baru tidur ... jet lag kali yak :P
depan komputer gw semalam itu di temenin si M gila dah YMJunkie loeeee ! hihi ga ada abis nya gw kalo ngobrol ma elu M

kenapa judulnya di atas 2 bodies in 1 soul ... beli paket getuu ambil 2 bayar 1 ( ga nyambung dot com )
biarin lah gw juga ga ngerti kenapa gw pingin let the ppl know M !
hahhhahah .. M...... u sucks !

dah ah depan kompie terus mata gw berkantong ntar mesti operasi plastic ntar gw ! laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

listening to :
soothe me -V. sheppard
Vonda Shepard lyrics

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Crapz :

bangun pagi ( pagi nya gw yak ! hih jam 9 ) !!siap siap ninggalin neh ninggalin tanah tercinta hueksssss
packing siapin apa yg mesti di bawa yg ga perlu ya gw buang2 in
liat offline msg YM yg isi nya bawelllllllllllllllllllllll mulu ganti ini lah itu lah !
trus ga ada e-mail pula ! hehehe
hari ini gw berangkat jam 11.45 ke Amsterdam lewat manchester 45 menit berenti di sana
kira kira gw jam 4 atau jam 5 baru sampai rumah habis itu mesti mikirin makan , beberes rumah ! baru mulai dah bisa tidur dan weekend di NL ! yee hawwww

Sejak minggu lalu di Dublin ..... banyak yg terjadi ma diri gw ! thx God !

sekrg gw lagi siapin lagu lagu buat ntar di perjalanan .. semua album Disturbed complet !, puddle of mudd , temple of the dog ! hihih ada lagu intoxication by Disturbed juga , ga enak tapi lagu nya ... boleh juga neh di denger ..... buat nambahin kotoran kuping
gw mah lagi denger yg "remember" ini dah ke 20x nya mungkin pagi ini


Holding on
to let them know
What's given to me
To hide behind
The mask this time
And try to believe

Now playing :
Disturbed lyrics

Disturbed- "Remember "
more ..........
+ Stupify
+Down with the Sickness
+ Prayer

Friday, February 04, 2005

Intoxicate :

3 hari ini kira kira tidur total 12 atau 8 jam aja neh * lupa
pokoknya kurang sekali
intoxicated* kata psykiater gw !
intoxicated kalo di artikan ke bahasa se hari hari .. paan ye ? terlalu senang terlalu excited kali ga tau gw jelasinya
kira kira sendiri lah arti nya , neh lebih spesifik nya
intoxicateverb intoxicated, intoxicating
1. To make drunk.
- drug, muddle, befuddle, dope up, confuse.2. To excite or elate.
- excite, exhilarate, stimulate, turn on (slang), arouse, stir.Derivative: intoxicating adj
Containing alcohol or causing intoxication
- alcoholic, intoxicant, inebriant.adj
(of an experience)
powerfully exciting
- stimulating, exciting, heady, thrilling, euphoric, dizzy.Etymology: 16c: from intoxicare to poison.

begitulah indikasi psikiater gw , gw mesti organized lagi feelings gw , logika gw , kalo gini terus tambah ga bagus buat kesehatan gw sendiri ..mati muda kata nya ... berkurang dah pasien elo doc !
memang betul ! gw tuh jarang ekspresiin ke gembiraan gw ... kali ini gw pingin tunjukin kegembiraan gw ke seluruh dunia lewat wwwslashdotdotdotcom kan bisa ngejangkau dunia yak ?
ok folks ... i 'm Happy Now

background music

+ Ludacris - Get back + see the vid clips click here

Last day Dublin crapz :

tadi sampai di tempat tujuan jam 10.45 an - ( kantor ) maksud gw , jam 12 trus lunch !
trus ada surat buat gw dari car rental yg gw pake
gw buka dan isi nya bla bla bla bla Speeding ! yeeeeeee ... trus gw maki2 pelan
"krijg de pleuris "56 euro melayang dah , kan gw lagi ngumpulin duit neh mau ke Canada , kalo dapet tagihan terus ya ga bisa berangkat dah gw ! minta donasi ama yg bakal gw kunjungin aja neh mesti nya
eh back to the pleuris tadi .. pas gw bilang getu ada perempuan sebelah gw ngeliat gw sambil bengong getuh ! ngeliat penampakan setan cinak kali yeeee !
eh malah bicara french dia .. "hablah blah blah fleurs ..." ooooo oooooo oooo jawab gw * gak ngeuh dgn apa yg dia bilang di pikir gw bilang tentang bunga dan muji dia kaleee ... padahal gw bilang Pleuris yg arti nya "taeeek dah" bhs belanda
trus pas gw jalan baru inget oooo iye fleurs ma flower kali ye bhs perancis - sambil mringis sendiri gw nya ! dia nya juga ga jelas getuh ngomong nya !
maksud gw makian tapi org denger nya lain jadi di sangka muji dia ... bagus dah .. hari ini gw dah membahagiakan 1 org yg ga gw kenal ...dgn makian gw ... sorry ma`am ...

update :
lama banget rasa nya gw ga pernah dapet sms simpel yg isi nya cuman "morning J ... ... ... " simple sekali ! tapi bisa bikin gw ngerasa tersentuh sekali * tssssssssssssssssssssss tersentuh boww gileeee.. krn gw mikir si penulis yg baru bangun tidur( krn perbedaan waktu ) , berantakan , masih ileran dan inget gw awwwwww thanks man ... u raaawk

song of this day :
+Vonda Shepard lyrics i only want to be with you +
Jpeg :

nih cewe emang pinter dansa kali ya ? , tapi .. dansa lagu apa an yak .. kok sampai ngotot getuh ???
lagu nya Ramstein mungkin ? any idea ???

movies :

Batman begins : 17 june 2005
film tentang asal mula ada nya "batman" ( mungkin )
Christian Balle sbg BATMAN
dan aktor2 laen nya Morgan Freeman , Liam neeson , James Caan
Batcar yg kali ini laenbanget dgn yg sebelum nya
klik trailer batman begins wwwbatmanbeginsdotwarnerbrosdotcom

Thursday, February 03, 2005

commercial :

SFR ( Vodafone french ) LIVE

Sneak preview :
Rocky XII
This time Stallones takes a french Opponent
sly will prolly lose hehehe

trailer click here svp
crapz :

+ anak umur 16 th ketangkep krn keylogging komputer dosen nya di texas .... denda 2000
dollar atau 180 hari penjara
+ 80% pekerja microsoft mempunya mp3 player bikinan apple ... iPod
+ melihat DNA sendiri dgn campuran ludah anda sendiri ,air garam , sabun cuci dan jenever
menurut prof.DR.B.Hammel uni Nijmegen -Nederlands
+ Amazon dot com kehilangan 15 prosen nilai saham nya nilai sementara saat ini 23.59
waktu west europe , 37.50 dollar berarti turun 7 dollar dari pembukaan tadi
+ keuntungan bersih pembuat pesawat defensiefconcern BOEING minus 84 prosen di banding
tahun lalu
setiap hari selalu ada berita berita yg gw baca ntah dari internet ntah dari koran / majalah yg gw beli di jalanan berita kecil kecil yg tertulis di koran atau majalah itu penuh di setiap kolom nya , kok gw bacain juga ye ? padahal gw sama sekali ga tertarik dgn berita berita itu .
gw anggep craps semua nya itu , spt postingan gw ini juga crapz !
beberapa hari lalu gw masih seneng di Dublin ... hari ini kok eneg ya gw ! ga ada kegiatan banget rasa nya pingin balik ke Canada eh Belanda , kangen ama rumah gw kangen baju2 kotor gw yg mesti di cuci , dengerin music sendiri, baca buku di kamar gw sendiri , lari lari , sepedaan , ketemu anak gw
sekarang gw yg ada cuman bengong2 kaga karuan jam 00.12 masih melek depan komputer besok sih mesti nya gw pulang , tapi ga tau juga lah ga pernah ada planning gw liat aja besok

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Spechless & Sleepless :

what really happens is that we ever make things clear to each other ??

J happy :
gw lagi senang neh ...jarang loh gw liatin seneng nya gw ...
biasa nya yg susah2 aja gw shared ke kalian , kali ini gw mau share kebahagiaan gw
ga ngerti juga knp gw bisa senang gini , hari hari sebelumnya juga biasa aja sama dgn hari ini .
tapi gw ngerasa hari ini special banget .... ya udah crita kenapa !!bawel amat sih gw yak !
ogah ah , maluuuu * blushing neh *

yg jelas gw mau nulis email ga bisa - hihi krn terlalu bahagia jadi ga bisa nulisssssss
gw nunggu hari jum`at . mungkin lebih bahagia neh hari jum`at , mesti nya gw dah di NL hari itu tapi ga tau dah , blom niat balik gw ! kalo balik mesti nyuci baju sendiri , masak sendiri , tsssss cuapek man !
enakan leyeh2 di sini .. dasar pemales !
kerjaan gw di sini , kerja , jalan jalan , cari2 dvd & buku ,makan , tidur , chat, ngeblogs .. maka nya gw produktif banget kan akhir2 ini dgn blog gw .. biar isi nya cuman video dan link2 yg ga bermutu tapi kan yg penting posting ... jadi pada tau dah kenalan2 gw yg jauh di US, Canada , Indo , NL, jadi tau kalo gw masih hidup getuuuuu .... ga tergenang di sungai ... atau di gantung di bawah jembatan dublin !

pernah ada yg denger lagu nya A perfect circle yg album Mer de noms ? judul nya 3 Libra`s ?
gw beli album nya mereka .. bukan album baru sih .. tapi enak aja .. ga tau dah ada atau ga di internet . eh ada nih Link nya click sini coba 3 Libra`s a perfect circle ( window media player )

lyrics :

threw you the obvious and you flew
with it on your back, a name in your recollection,
thrown down among a million same.
difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed and passed over
when i've looked right through to see you naked and oblivious and you don't see me.
but i threw you the obvious just to see
if there's more behind the eyes of a fallen angel, the eyes of a tragedy.
here i am expecting just a little bit too much from the wounded.
but i see through it all and see you.
so i threw you the obvious to see what occurs behind the eyes of a fallen angel,
eyes of a tragedy.
oh well.
apparently don't see me. you don't see me at all


more " a perfect circle"

Orestes - Listen
The Hollow - Listen
Judith - Listen
The Noose - Listen
Eh yg lagu Orestes pernah di nyanyiin Evanescence - live performance pas di Belgie ... baru tau gw uhmmm ...
waw yg lagu The Noose enaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak .... sayang ga ada di album Mer de noms ! Download ah ! tapi gw anti piracy neh ! gimana yak ? hihihihih

cars :

Ford Shelby GR-1
V10 - 6,4 Ltr - 600 hp , Alu body


Vid :

is he in luv ??? rejected ??? or .. Sick


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Crapz :

Once you start looking for the great you will find it everywhere. You will not find a place where the great is not. That is one of the greatest insights of modern physics. Searching for the smallest they have stumbled upon the greatest source of energy. Looking for the atom they have discovered atomic energy. The small only appears small, it is an appearance. It contains the great.
And you cannot find the great directly. Whenever you search you will find the small , the small is the way of the great to express itself. You cannot see the ocean you always see this wave or that wave. Only waves are seen, the ocean remains unseen. The ocean has to be inferred because the waves cannot exist without it. So we see the small parts the man, the woman, the tree, the mountain, the particle of dust, a drop of water, but these are just forms. Penetrate deeply into them and they become doors, doors to the infinite

NFSW Not Safe For Work :
do sumthin brit !! yeah !
buat para pembaca cowo neh britney spears toket di obral
Britney`s boobs
foto1 foto2 foto3 foto4

Advertise :
Bryant Park Hotel NY
als je wilt verblijven in NY .... dit hotel is echt Klasse

click here - watch the intro site ! cool !

Waking Life is a film that never settles down. Or maybe it never wakes up. Regardless, Richard Linklater's animated meditation seems to strike a perfect balance between the plotless meanderings of Slackers and the unquenchable knowledge-seeking of Hermann Hesse's Siddharta Any way you look at it, this is a weird, original movie.
price 9.99 euro -Dublin record store
Crime Story II

Barusan ketemu lagi sama si X
eh eh tuh di shoutbox pada ngapain ? si M ?? crita ? lo pikir ini crita getu aja ngarang getu ? tsssssss
emang pengarang yak gw ? gw mah nulis ya nulis aja nulis ttg temen gw si X
Trus dia crita tuh si X : "dah J males gw buat mulai ngerasain kayak "gini" lage "
ngerti banget sih gw ... capek dia maka nya gw diem juga ga kasih commentar
paling gw bilang si cewe yg di seberang lautan sana juga ga mikirin elu man ! ngapain pusing pusing "ngerasain" lagi
Long distance pula misal nya jadi tsssssss ....LDBC kata si w ! Long Distance Booty Call ! hehehe
tapi ya ga tau deh si X ma org antik getu kalo suka ma org sekali dan cocok ga akan nyari laen nya ! kayak dunia ini ga banyak cewe single berkeliaran !
ikutan eneg neh gw dengerin Crita si X hehehehe ....
sekrg yg gw denger di mp3 player nya si X cuman lagu Don`t - Shania Twain Sick !!! hidup di alam yg ga nyata bangets !
sampai hafal lyrics nya gw neh lagu dont - shania itu ...
Don't... don't you wish we tried?
Do you feel what I feel inside?
You know our love is stronger than pride heheh * dlm ati gw * pride nya stronger dah !!!!!
biarin lah .. ada yg ngejalanin ini .. gw sebagai penonton aja ....
penonton drama seri ketololan manusia di dunia ini ... yg suka exploitasi perasaan , dan bikin kreasi di dalam hidup nya ... hidup itu tinggal milih mesti nya ...

Monday, January 31, 2005

Crime Story :
Pernah gak pada ngerasain yg nama nya "fallin" atau jatuh cinta ?
suka banget , kepikiran , ga bisa tidur , bingung , pingin nya ketemu terus 24/7
ada tuh temen gw lagi fallin getuh ama temen ketemu Online . internet sux !
dulu temen gw itu ,sebut aja si X ketemu ama cewe yg tinggal nya di seberang lautan sana chatting tiap hari .. trus biasa lah "crush" ( biasa kan yak kalo yg tau dunia chatting ) bisa suka dgn ygga jelas getu !
habis itu si X ini mengalami spt yg gw sebutin di atas itu ga tidur , pokok nya nyiksa badan lah cuman buat ketemu si Cewe yg di internet itu
mereka tuh sama sama nyadar kalo ga bakalan dah ! bisa "jadian" ( istilah gaul neh gw pakai ) ,
setelah ngebahas bolak balik toh tetep "mentok" juga
gw selalu bilang ke si X ... udah man lupain ... jatuh cinta ama yg ga jelas getuh mana jauh pula !
beberapa hari kemudian si x denger khabar dr si cewe nya itu .. banyak banget neh cowo2 yg suka nelponin si cewe ini ... gw ga tau nama nya si cewe itu * ga pernah crita sih temen gw itu *
si X ini beberapa bulan kemudian udah ada gandengan cewe ntah jepang ntah chinesse .. lumayan cakep .. standard lah buat gw .. apa lah arti nya muka ! cieeeeeeeeeeeee ... buat gw sih penting man muka ! sok wise aje gw !
trus gw pernah tanya ke si X .. trus gimana tuh cewe yg suka kirim sms dan chat ama loe yg dulu itu ... X jawab .. "masih tetep temenan kok malah jadi deket ..."
Good ! jawab gw seneng gw mereka bisa tetep getuh

si X ini type cowo pendiem bgt getuh yg isi nye cuman baca buku , komputer ,kerja .. ga gaul gak kayak gw lahhh laeeeeeeeen ... gw ma sekali gandeng 3 cewe boooooo ! threesome gw mau nya !
trus trus .... baru ketemu kemaren si X crita ma gw lagi .. " gw lagi suka lagi nih ma cewe yg di seberang lautan ! " ...
ck ck ck ck berapa minggu dah ada cewe yg nyata depan mata malahan nyari penyakit jatuh cinta ma yg jauh dan ga kliatan .. * speechless* dah gw .
dia crita ke gw kalo cewe nyata yg di depan mata itu .. rada sakit * jiwa ... desperate getuh ...
gw mah bilang ke dia ... tidurin dulu aje ... sakit jiwa atau gak kan yg penting "penetrationk booo" maksud gw kalo dah tidur bareng siapa tau datang rasa cinta getu ! cowo kan kayak getuh biasa nya atau gak ya ? hihihi ga tau dah gw ... gw sih nidurin dulu trus lariii yg ada ....*Touch n Go !!! *
nih barusan si X ngobrol2 ma gw juga bisa suka ma cewe itu ternyata baru umur 21 man si cewe itu ck ck ck gw bilang pedofil banget sih elo ! tapi ya maklum lagi jatuh cinte man ... gw bilang getu si X sensi dan bilang ... yey .. 21 umur nya man tapi dia punya "old soul" mature , pandai ( ngakak dah gw denger nya )
gw jawab : "iye kali yaaaa .. titisan cleptomania eh cleopatra kaleeeeee "
si X bilang "cuman ya gw ga berani man bilang suka ma dia " " goblok bgt sih loe " gw jawab
"kalo suka ya tanya aja : "wanna f*ck ?""
ah itu kan model elo J ! dia jawab getu .... gw kan ga nyari yg begituan .... taeee! lah mana ada cowo ga nyari yg begituan ! sok ja im ma gw ! tssssssssssssssssssssssssss
tau dah kelanjutan nya ... tadi gw ngantuk dengerin cinta cinta an gw denger dia ngoceh apa an tinggal tidur !bosen dengerin org punya masalah cinta ! buta , picik jadi nya !
kalo gw sih laeeeeen gw sih hmmm in my world doesnt exist dah cinta ! makan aja tuh cinta
gw kan bad boys for life ! a la P.Diddy getu

ntar dah kalo gw ketemu temen gw ( si X itu ) gw sambung perkembangan berikut nya akan gw update di sini ..
later folks ! tidur lage !

games :

do u like chess ?
try this thinking machine , cool site ! ! !

click here

Tips & Trick :

buat para wanita .....
cara mendapatkan Prince charming
tanpa Bla bla bla bla

Click here
Beginilah hari hari gw di kerjaan , kerja , coffe , kerja , ngeblogs, liat kerjaan , kerja paan sih ya gw neh bener nya ? gw ndiri ga tau man .. ga jelas , ga ada fungsi yg jelas di kerjaan gw .Kadang gw mesti pergi ,ketemu Client , kadang gw sebagai Client , marketing man ? sales ? logistiek ? analyst? controler ? order picker ? order planner ? office boy ?
hari ini di Dublin - Ierland dingin , hujan nyebelin , masih dgn mobil sewaan gw muter2 kaga karuan , navigation sux ! hampir nyemplung sungai
ok then .....
ooo iya barusan iseng dapet photo nyolong dari Fupei foto nya si Math .. yg mau di jadiin model kaos .. !kaos kaki ! hihihihi
trus gw iseng dgn photoshop jadilah hasilnya spt di bawah ini ..

Sunday, January 30, 2005

commercial :

Volkswagen Golf GTI - Singing in the rain 2005 version
cool commerce !
Click here
baca tentang survei wanita pintar di
bisa mempengaruhi healthy life di relastionship bener banget sih .....
tapi saran dr prof yg menganjurkan :

"Dr Haakon Meyer dari Institut Riset Nutrisi di Universitas Oslo, salah seorang penelitinya mengatakan, sebaiknya pria yang berpendidikan menikah pula dengan wanita yang berpendidikan agar keduanya sama-sama sehat".

Apakah pendidikan itu menjamin cara berpikir menjadi laen ?
masak mau hidup sehat aja mesti milih wanita pinter ! tssssssssssssssss
wanita pinter tuh mahal ! banyak ongkos nye ! pinter shopping , pinter dandan , pinter di ranjang !
ok guys hehehe ngasal gw hihihi sorrryyyy
eh eh sehat maksud nya doktor itu sehat relationship nya atau sehat fisik nya sih ? hihi bego yak gw ????fisik nya kali ya soalnya ada serangan jantung dan bla bla sebagai nya ...
kalo sehat fisik ya tergantung si person sendiri lah org kalo mencintai diri nya sendiri ( dalam arti bukan egoism atau narcism )
mencintai diri sendiri berarti person itu akan ingat bahwa dia itu ciptaan sang Maha Kuasa the perfect creature . dia akan merawat diri nya sendiri tanpa perlu stimulasi / motivasi dari seseorg pun !
kalau berbicara tentang Relationship , no comment dah gw ! di mana mana Women smarter than men nurut gw sih .

Dublin - courthouse

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Wake up and face me, dont play dead cause maybe
Someday I ll walk away and say, “You disappoint me,
”Maybe you re better off this way
Maybe you re better off!
Wake up and face me, dont play dead cause
maybe Someday I’ll walk away and say, “You fucking disappoint me!
”Maybe you’re better off this way
Go ahead and play dead
I know that you can hear this
Why can't you turn and face me??
You fucking disappoint me!
Passive aggressive bullshit

passive - A perfect circle ( new single from the latest album)
Just do it
Close your eyes and do it , just any nonsense-sound. Allow it, and then it starts taking its own route, association starts working. One sound reminds one of another, that one reminds one of another and one goes on and on , no language, no meaning, nothing ....
enjoy this sounds of Life

Live a very natural,Let it flow , ordinary life. Then there is no problem. Totality and everything will follow of their own accord. And if they don't follow, so what? Who cares ?


Friday, January 28, 2005

barusan nonton film "Honey"
crita film lakonik pasaran tentang cewe yg berambisi merubah keadaan dunia dan sukses
cuman ada di film gw rasa yg begituan
dance nya sih sux , bagusan choreograph nya Wade Robson kalo street dance getu .
banyak sekali film tentang dance yg gw tonton , tapi cuma film Breakdance th 1982 yg sempat gw tonton sampai 5 kali cuman pingin liat "moves" pas lagu nya "kraftwerk - Tour de france"
setelah itu ga pernah ada film dance yg pantes di tonton , elek kabeh! apalagi ga di dukung dgn crita yg jelas ...
"Honey" ini sih lumayan crita nya , simple .. dan Jessica Alba ( siapa sih ini ? Jessica Feng gw tau hihihi ) lumayan juga , ga jelek2 amet

chapter 2

chapter 2 :

If one is really bored, one gets out of boredom. You are not completely bored yet!
You are still hoping that there may be some way out of it... and there is none if you ask the truth, there is no way out of it. Because you go on trying to find some way out and then it fails, you become more bored -- but only more, not totally bored. Then you start looking in some other direction. Again, for a few days you will feel a little hope, and then the failure. And it will go on and on. Every time you will have a dream that this seems to succeed. For a few days the honeymoon and then you are flat on your back again.
If you want to know the truth, there is no way out. That means: stop trying to get out of it. Start living in it -- accept it, embrace it. This is what life is: life is a boredom. Then suddenly you are out and you are not searching for any way out -- you are suddenly out. What to do? Life is such.
I am also bored!
But I have accepted it! And since I accepted it I got out of it!
Accept it and just see -- it disappears. It is a creation of your mind: because you want to get out of it, you create it. First one expects something and it doesn't happen, then frustration. But the frustration is the secondary thing; the first and the primary is the seed, is expectation. If you really want to get out of frustration, just drop the expectation. Then how can you be frustrated? How can anybody force you to be frustrated ? It is impossible. But we go on working on the second thing and the first is the cause. We go on working on the symptom and the cause remains intact.
Stop looking for a way out. There is none. This is how life is. To get it is to become real life
So when will you be coming back?...
Whenever it is possible, come. And I will make you more bored, more bored! Some day, when the cup is full, you will be out of it. It happens in a single instant.
Then the laughter never ceases; one goes on laughing because then one sees the whole ridiculousness of it. One was creating it and was trying to get rid of it! On one hand we create it, on the other hand we destroy it, so the process can never be complete. You come back! You are coming closer and closer to the point where you will accept it. Good!

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