Monday, January 31, 2005

Crime Story :
Pernah gak pada ngerasain yg nama nya "fallin" atau jatuh cinta ?
suka banget , kepikiran , ga bisa tidur , bingung , pingin nya ketemu terus 24/7
ada tuh temen gw lagi fallin getuh ama temen ketemu Online . internet sux !
dulu temen gw itu ,sebut aja si X ketemu ama cewe yg tinggal nya di seberang lautan sana chatting tiap hari .. trus biasa lah "crush" ( biasa kan yak kalo yg tau dunia chatting ) bisa suka dgn ygga jelas getu !
habis itu si X ini mengalami spt yg gw sebutin di atas itu ga tidur , pokok nya nyiksa badan lah cuman buat ketemu si Cewe yg di internet itu
mereka tuh sama sama nyadar kalo ga bakalan dah ! bisa "jadian" ( istilah gaul neh gw pakai ) ,
setelah ngebahas bolak balik toh tetep "mentok" juga
gw selalu bilang ke si X ... udah man lupain ... jatuh cinta ama yg ga jelas getuh mana jauh pula !
beberapa hari kemudian si x denger khabar dr si cewe nya itu .. banyak banget neh cowo2 yg suka nelponin si cewe ini ... gw ga tau nama nya si cewe itu * ga pernah crita sih temen gw itu *
si X ini beberapa bulan kemudian udah ada gandengan cewe ntah jepang ntah chinesse .. lumayan cakep .. standard lah buat gw .. apa lah arti nya muka ! cieeeeeeeeeeeee ... buat gw sih penting man muka ! sok wise aje gw !
trus gw pernah tanya ke si X .. trus gimana tuh cewe yg suka kirim sms dan chat ama loe yg dulu itu ... X jawab .. "masih tetep temenan kok malah jadi deket ..."
Good ! jawab gw seneng gw mereka bisa tetep getuh

si X ini type cowo pendiem bgt getuh yg isi nye cuman baca buku , komputer ,kerja .. ga gaul gak kayak gw lahhh laeeeeeeeen ... gw ma sekali gandeng 3 cewe boooooo ! threesome gw mau nya !
trus trus .... baru ketemu kemaren si X crita ma gw lagi .. " gw lagi suka lagi nih ma cewe yg di seberang lautan ! " ...
ck ck ck ck berapa minggu dah ada cewe yg nyata depan mata malahan nyari penyakit jatuh cinta ma yg jauh dan ga kliatan .. * speechless* dah gw .
dia crita ke gw kalo cewe nyata yg di depan mata itu .. rada sakit * jiwa ... desperate getuh ...
gw mah bilang ke dia ... tidurin dulu aje ... sakit jiwa atau gak kan yg penting "penetrationk booo" maksud gw kalo dah tidur bareng siapa tau datang rasa cinta getu ! cowo kan kayak getuh biasa nya atau gak ya ? hihihi ga tau dah gw ... gw sih nidurin dulu trus lariii yg ada ....*Touch n Go !!! *
nih barusan si X ngobrol2 ma gw juga bisa suka ma cewe itu ternyata baru umur 21 man si cewe itu ck ck ck gw bilang pedofil banget sih elo ! tapi ya maklum lagi jatuh cinte man ... gw bilang getu si X sensi dan bilang ... yey .. 21 umur nya man tapi dia punya "old soul" mature , pandai ( ngakak dah gw denger nya )
gw jawab : "iye kali yaaaa .. titisan cleptomania eh cleopatra kaleeeeee "
si X bilang "cuman ya gw ga berani man bilang suka ma dia " " goblok bgt sih loe " gw jawab
"kalo suka ya tanya aja : "wanna f*ck ?""
ah itu kan model elo J ! dia jawab getu .... gw kan ga nyari yg begituan .... taeee! lah mana ada cowo ga nyari yg begituan ! sok ja im ma gw ! tssssssssssssssssssssssssss
tau dah kelanjutan nya ... tadi gw ngantuk dengerin cinta cinta an gw denger dia ngoceh apa an tinggal tidur !bosen dengerin org punya masalah cinta ! buta , picik jadi nya !
kalo gw sih laeeeeen gw sih hmmm in my world doesnt exist dah cinta ! makan aja tuh cinta
gw kan bad boys for life ! a la P.Diddy getu

ntar dah kalo gw ketemu temen gw ( si X itu ) gw sambung perkembangan berikut nya akan gw update di sini ..
later folks ! tidur lage !

games :

do u like chess ?
try this thinking machine , cool site ! ! !

click here

Tips & Trick :

buat para wanita .....
cara mendapatkan Prince charming
tanpa Bla bla bla bla

Click here
Beginilah hari hari gw di kerjaan , kerja , coffe , kerja , ngeblogs, liat kerjaan , kerja paan sih ya gw neh bener nya ? gw ndiri ga tau man .. ga jelas , ga ada fungsi yg jelas di kerjaan gw .Kadang gw mesti pergi ,ketemu Client , kadang gw sebagai Client , marketing man ? sales ? logistiek ? analyst? controler ? order picker ? order planner ? office boy ?
hari ini di Dublin - Ierland dingin , hujan nyebelin , masih dgn mobil sewaan gw muter2 kaga karuan , navigation sux ! hampir nyemplung sungai
ok then .....
ooo iya barusan iseng dapet photo nyolong dari Fupei foto nya si Math .. yg mau di jadiin model kaos .. !kaos kaki ! hihihihi
trus gw iseng dgn photoshop jadilah hasilnya spt di bawah ini ..

Sunday, January 30, 2005

commercial :

Volkswagen Golf GTI - Singing in the rain 2005 version
cool commerce !
Click here
baca tentang survei wanita pintar di
bisa mempengaruhi healthy life di relastionship bener banget sih .....
tapi saran dr prof yg menganjurkan :

"Dr Haakon Meyer dari Institut Riset Nutrisi di Universitas Oslo, salah seorang penelitinya mengatakan, sebaiknya pria yang berpendidikan menikah pula dengan wanita yang berpendidikan agar keduanya sama-sama sehat".

Apakah pendidikan itu menjamin cara berpikir menjadi laen ?
masak mau hidup sehat aja mesti milih wanita pinter ! tssssssssssssssss
wanita pinter tuh mahal ! banyak ongkos nye ! pinter shopping , pinter dandan , pinter di ranjang !
ok guys hehehe ngasal gw hihihi sorrryyyy
eh eh sehat maksud nya doktor itu sehat relationship nya atau sehat fisik nya sih ? hihi bego yak gw ????fisik nya kali ya soalnya ada serangan jantung dan bla bla sebagai nya ...
kalo sehat fisik ya tergantung si person sendiri lah org kalo mencintai diri nya sendiri ( dalam arti bukan egoism atau narcism )
mencintai diri sendiri berarti person itu akan ingat bahwa dia itu ciptaan sang Maha Kuasa the perfect creature . dia akan merawat diri nya sendiri tanpa perlu stimulasi / motivasi dari seseorg pun !
kalau berbicara tentang Relationship , no comment dah gw ! di mana mana Women smarter than men nurut gw sih .

Dublin - courthouse

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Wake up and face me, dont play dead cause maybe
Someday I ll walk away and say, “You disappoint me,
”Maybe you re better off this way
Maybe you re better off!
Wake up and face me, dont play dead cause
maybe Someday I’ll walk away and say, “You fucking disappoint me!
”Maybe you’re better off this way
Go ahead and play dead
I know that you can hear this
Why can't you turn and face me??
You fucking disappoint me!
Passive aggressive bullshit

passive - A perfect circle ( new single from the latest album)
Just do it
Close your eyes and do it , just any nonsense-sound. Allow it, and then it starts taking its own route, association starts working. One sound reminds one of another, that one reminds one of another and one goes on and on , no language, no meaning, nothing ....
enjoy this sounds of Life

Live a very natural,Let it flow , ordinary life. Then there is no problem. Totality and everything will follow of their own accord. And if they don't follow, so what? Who cares ?


Friday, January 28, 2005

barusan nonton film "Honey"
crita film lakonik pasaran tentang cewe yg berambisi merubah keadaan dunia dan sukses
cuman ada di film gw rasa yg begituan
dance nya sih sux , bagusan choreograph nya Wade Robson kalo street dance getu .
banyak sekali film tentang dance yg gw tonton , tapi cuma film Breakdance th 1982 yg sempat gw tonton sampai 5 kali cuman pingin liat "moves" pas lagu nya "kraftwerk - Tour de france"
setelah itu ga pernah ada film dance yg pantes di tonton , elek kabeh! apalagi ga di dukung dgn crita yg jelas ...
"Honey" ini sih lumayan crita nya , simple .. dan Jessica Alba ( siapa sih ini ? Jessica Feng gw tau hihihi ) lumayan juga , ga jelek2 amet

chapter 2

chapter 2 :

If one is really bored, one gets out of boredom. You are not completely bored yet!
You are still hoping that there may be some way out of it... and there is none if you ask the truth, there is no way out of it. Because you go on trying to find some way out and then it fails, you become more bored -- but only more, not totally bored. Then you start looking in some other direction. Again, for a few days you will feel a little hope, and then the failure. And it will go on and on. Every time you will have a dream that this seems to succeed. For a few days the honeymoon and then you are flat on your back again.
If you want to know the truth, there is no way out. That means: stop trying to get out of it. Start living in it -- accept it, embrace it. This is what life is: life is a boredom. Then suddenly you are out and you are not searching for any way out -- you are suddenly out. What to do? Life is such.
I am also bored!
But I have accepted it! And since I accepted it I got out of it!
Accept it and just see -- it disappears. It is a creation of your mind: because you want to get out of it, you create it. First one expects something and it doesn't happen, then frustration. But the frustration is the secondary thing; the first and the primary is the seed, is expectation. If you really want to get out of frustration, just drop the expectation. Then how can you be frustrated? How can anybody force you to be frustrated ? It is impossible. But we go on working on the second thing and the first is the cause. We go on working on the symptom and the cause remains intact.
Stop looking for a way out. There is none. This is how life is. To get it is to become real life
So when will you be coming back?...
Whenever it is possible, come. And I will make you more bored, more bored! Some day, when the cup is full, you will be out of it. It happens in a single instant.
Then the laughter never ceases; one goes on laughing because then one sees the whole ridiculousness of it. One was creating it and was trying to get rid of it! On one hand we create it, on the other hand we destroy it, so the process can never be complete. You come back! You are coming closer and closer to the point where you will accept it. Good!
chapter 1 :
And love is the ultimate need. Everything else is secondary. Everything else is just a means to that great end. If love happens then all has happened; if love does not happen then nothing has happened, the whole of life has just been a wasteland.

And it is very rare that love blooms, because the soil that the society provides is not adequate for it. In fact, it obstructs it. It poisons the seed. It teaches people to be full of hate, anger, ambition, possessiveness.

Society is founded not on love but on hate. It depends on struggle, violence, war. It can't afford love. Love will take away the whole foundation on which it stands. For millions of years society has remained that way. And unless society's foundation is changed, it will not become a really human phenomenon. It will remain something between the animal and the man, a half-way house. Society goes on carrying all the violence that is there in the animals and has dropped all the love that is there. In terms of heart, it is not evolution; it is a degradation. And as far as that is concerned, christians are right -- that man has fallen from grace, that man has committed some original sin.

I may not agree with their details about what sin man has committed -- I may not agree, but some sin has been committed. The whole of society has taken a wrong direction. The direction has to be changed, and one has to begin with oneself because there is no other beginning; you cannot begin with the other.

Take the risk of being in love with existence. It is risky because nobody will support you. It is risky because even your own mind will be against it. It is risky because you will fail, fail utterly in this world and the ways of this world. But to fail in the ways of the world is to succeed in the eyes of God. That's what Jesus means when he says 'Those who are the first in this life will be the last in my kingdom of God,' and vice versa. The person who succeeds in a hateful society succeeds because he is more violent than others, more cunning than others, more clever, more manipulating, more pseudo, than others. He succeeds only by selling his soul. And only the man who cannot succeed in this life can succeed in the other. Yes, those who are the last will be the first. And lovers are the last here. They lose all but they protect the most precious thing.

So become more loving and remember that if you love, God is always there to satisfy all your needs. Trust, and whatsoever is needed is always given. If it is not given, that simply shows it is not needed.

Sometimes pain is needed, then pain is given. Sometimes shocks are needed, so shocks are given. And sometimes it is sadness, misery, that brings maturity -- then it is given. Sometimes it is poverty that brings to inner richness, then it is given. But always remember: whatsoever is given, is needed, and whatsoever is needed, is always given. That is the meaning of : become love and become trust.

And I have been waiting for you for a long time!

You have come home. You have knocked on many doors in vain -- now let this door be the last....

Thursday, January 27, 2005

A relationship is a miracle. It should not happen really, scientifically it should not happen. It happens because man is not yet scientific. And it is good that he is not yet scientific, and he is never going to be absolutely scientific. Something illogical will remain in the heart of man. That keeps the flame of humanity alive, otherwise man becomes a machine. Only machines are utterly adjusted, a machine is never maladjusted.

So this is the problem facing every couple:
total conflict and all is destroyed , there is no bridge between you and the other, a relationship doesn't adjustment and again the relationship disappears because there is no more flow, there is no more hope. Just between the two, exactly in the middle between adjustment and conflict, a little bit of adjustment, a little bit of conflict.... And they go together. They look contradictory but they are complementary.

If one can remember that, one remains sane,otherwise a relationship can drive you insane. There are moments when it drives people insane, when it is too much to bear. So never ask for absolute adjustment. Just a little bit is more than enough , feel grateful for that ! and let the relationship remain a flow. Be together, but don't become one. Be together, but don't become absolutely unconnected. Remain two and yet in contact. That's what I mean by the middle.

And be a little more alert. One has to be a little more conscious when one is moving in love, and one has to be careful about the other. Whatsoever you do affects him

Taste like chicken ??..... pasti yg nemu org vietnam neh ... trus di bikin daging cacah buat isi lumpia ....

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Waktu gw kecil dulu ... suka maenan Yo-yo tapi bukan bikin trick macam macam .. gw maen nya gini neh ... yo-yo gw adu ... jadi gw banting lawan Yo-yo nya temen gw ... siapa yg ga pecah ya menang hhihihihi .... ini ma bukan maenan yak ??? ini vandalisme hihihihihi

sekarang ada kontest yo-yo di jepang watch clips
buanyak banget trick2 nya .... HEBAT !!
nah kalo dah belajar yg tadi sekarang boleh ikutin ini ... David Elsewhere
Learn Breakdance part 2 - Rockin'

Lord of the FREAKS

Learn Breakdance ! - today ... HEADSPIN


hari ini gw posting ... pemenang idol di NL tahun lalu( 2004 ) Boris Titulaer nama nya
se umur2 ga pernah nonton acara ini ... kebetulan nih lagu soul lama yg gw suka bangets ..
dan dia ini ( si pemenang ) ada darah indonesia nya loh ... hihihi informasionk aja kok ....
ga malu2 in kan org indo di NL ???? kecuali gw ! vid clips click here ( papa was a rolling stones )
masih banyak vid clips yg laen nya
- when doves cry
-play that funky music
-whats goin' on
update :
kalo mau liat site nya click here s.v.p
siapa tau pada suka loe .... imut kok anak nya

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Nivea feat Lil John - OKAY

Cool lightertricks ! CLICK S V P
Nivea feat Lil John - "OKAY"
yeah Lil John ... Again !!!

Wanita berpendidikan minimum S2
lancar berbahasa inggris , jawa , indonesia ,belanda , prancis , china ,spanyol, gaelic
Siap di tempatkan di mana saja
+/- berumur 21-28 tahun
berparas menarik , berkulit mulus
communicative , talkactive , representative
Berpengalaman di bidang IT bussines /Media

Kirimkan foto beserta CV anda
beserta riwayat hidup , surat kelakuan baik , tidak pernah berurusan dgn pihak kepolisian,
surat keterangan bebas depresif ( dr rumah sakit jiwa )

update :

satu reaksi yg telah saya trima

When we don't talk
When we don't touch
When it doesn't feel like we're even in love
It matters to me
When I don't know what to say
Don't know what to do
Don't know if it really even matters to you
How can I make you see
It matters to me

ooooouuuwh .... i love u sooooooo much ! dawg .......

NEW Nike commercial ....... cool !!

Monday, January 24, 2005

Don't... don't you wish we tried?
Do you feel what I feel inside?
You know our love is stronger than pride...
ohNo don't... don't let your anger grow
Just tell me what you need me to know
Please talk to me, don't close the door
Hmmm, 'cause I wanna hear youI wanna be near you
Don't fight, don't argue
Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry
Just let me love you
Don't turn me away
Don't tell me to go
Don't give up on trust
Don't give up on me, on us
If we could just hold on long enough Hmmm, we can do it
We'll get through it
Shania Twain - DONT ( click here s v p )
weitssssssssssssss ..
blog yg biasa gw kunjungin bakalan hiatus neh .. ga tau sampai kapan ..
tulisan nya dia sih oke oke aja ... ringan untuk di baca dan selalu ada sisi positif buat ke depan nya ... kadang depresif , kadang happy ... tapi kan ya begitulah hidup .. ups en downs ..
ok reen .. good luck wherever u r ..... keep writtin'

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Back to my ol` life .....
Quiet, hopeless , heartless , loveless , less , lesssss , more less
Less is more
update :
heeeeeeeeeeee .. akhirnya datang juga pesenan CD gw setelah 6 bulan nyari , rare trax linkin park vol 1 & 2 ( bootlegs albums )

ini cd Studio EP . first demo ada beberapa lagu dgn vocalist nya Mark Hakerfeld ... ( ga se tinggi Chester triakan nya )
vol 2 track 7 , judul lagu nya High voltage .... kereeeeeeeeeeen bangets

You know what I mean
You could put a label on a life,Put a label on a lifestyle
You knowPut a label on how you wake up every morning
And go to bed at night
I’ve been diggin into crates ever since
I was livin in space
Before the ratrace, before monkeys had human traits
I mastered numerology and bigbang theology
Performed lobotomies with telekinetic psychology
Invented the mic so I could start blessin it
Chincheckin kids to make my point like an impressionist
Many men have tried to shake us But I twist mic cords in double helixes and show them what I’m made ofI buckle knees like leg braces Cast the spell of instrumental-ness and all of you emcees who hate us
So you can try on,Leave you without a shoulder to cry on

Friday, January 21, 2005

hehehe ... maw maw ..... banyak ribut nya ya gw ama loe hihihi ... i like ya maw ( ga sering neh gw bilang gini ke cewe ) paling baru ke 3000999993 x nya ......
heheh mathilda .... jawaban anda selalu serius ... dan tetep nyebelin .....u sucks ! hihii i like u too
Emak .... pa khabar suami ? kapan anda mengandung ?? apa kah perlu donor ?? kalo ada saya di list nomer satu yak ! hehehe i luv ya dear !!!!!!!!!!!!!
gw mau taruh photo si emak ! bentar gw cariiiiiiiiii ....
neh emak .. photo elu 2 tahun lalu yg masih gw simpen ! photo gw taruh without permission ... asli nya ga imut ginih ! asli nya pecicilan diaaaaaa

eh inget kan ye W ??? ini kita lagi checked inn di mane yeee ? lupa gw ! hahahaha .......

Thursday, January 20, 2005

beginilah jadi nya ( click here s.v.p )
yg sperti M tulis di tagboard , syndrome britni
padahal si M juga gitu tuh kalo lagi sendirian di kamar ... joget2 dgn musik nya A Rafiq ( pada tau kaga ye? ) A Rafiq tuh penyanyi dangdut dgn style ( mujamdul = muka jaman dulu ), dan celana cut brai ( istilah nya jaman dulu juga ) celana yg bawah nya gede banget getuu dan ada belahan nya di bawah dan beda warna getu ... misal nya celana putih nah belahan nya tuh pake kaen merah ! silauuuu boooo pokok nye ! dgn krah baju a la Elvis ( yg se gede daun pisang )

eh punya weblog buat apa an sih ya bener nya ? kalo gw lagi baca baca blog org ada yg personal & emosional , ada yg bahas ttg "ilmu" yg mereka kuasain , ada yg tentang percintaan,tentang bursa efek juga ada ,streaming yg isi nya video clips , dan mp3 di penuhin link link yg penuh dgn spyware biasa nya
kalo cara menulis nya enak ya enak di baca ...biarpun tuh blog personal getu ( gw ga demen bener nya baca blog yg personal ) kebanyakan drama ! tsss
kalo yg menulis ttg "ilmu" yg mereka kuasain rasa nya tuh org jagooooo banget .....
nah sekrg ke blog isi nya apa neh ??TV ? crapz ,"ilmu" paan ya yg bisa gw tulis di sini ? hihihi atau masalah personal paan ya yg bisa gw tulis di sini ???
kalo kehidupan personal tak tulis di sini ya bingung yg pada baca .... kluyuran mulu isi nya ... nginepin cewe di rumah ... trus besoknya gw di cuekin ! asuuuuuuuu .....
dah ah ga ngerti cara nulis yg baek gw ! ..... ga jelas kemana point nya tulisan gw di atas itu
update :
eh gw mau pake baju kayak britni spirs , trus pake strings ...... trus mau joged2 sendiri juga ....
besok ya .... kalo sempet gw bikin video nya ... pasti sexy an gw dah drpd sis britni ...
update :
gw tulis lagi
jaga "image" di internet itu susah ya ? "trust no virtuality" point yg bener nya gw mau tulis di posting gw yg di atas itu
spt gw taruh gambar cewe sexy terus image gw ooh si J suka toket , gw taruh video2 cewe joged trus ada koment ooh si J najish suka liat2 cewe joged ,
"On the Internet Nobody Knows You’re a Dog".
dgn membaca blog org lain dan ( anda sekalian ) akan tau kah seperti "apa" gw ini ??? spt apa karakter gw ? dgn membaca blog ( craps ) gw ? u wish !
banyak psikopat di luar sana chatting , crush dgn wanita , dgn pembicaraan muluk2 yg isi nya cuman "udara" kosong , yg mengaku diri nya berposisi ini itu ,berpendidikan ini itu muka ganteng /cantik ....bla bla bla
gw bisa bikin report ttg hal2 yg edukatif tapi ya mending gw ga tulis di blog karena selain susah di ngertiin juga org pasti males ngebaca nya ( krn emang bahasa gw amburadul ) .. selain itu ntar bikin orang yg baca jadi tambah pinter ! ( gw kan aliran Soeharto ) , org lain pokoknya bego ! gw doang yg ngerti ! tsssssssssssssssss hihihihahahah
ps :
besok posting gw mau gw taruh video porno semoga ada yg nulis .. ih si J tukang ngesex ! hihi emang betul ! gw ngesex bisa 8x sehari ! ada yg mau coba ????
dan tiap malam ngeganja 20 linting ......cognag 10 gelas sebelom tidur , trus hobby gw tuh mobil bagus .... hummer h2 atau maranello360 , modena 560 , superamerica convertible , trus suka hamilin cewe sembarangan , gw ga tanggung jawab banget , gw perokok berat 60 batang sehari , hmm apalagi yg bisa gw sebutin yak ???? kok gw gw mulu * sigh* hhehehee kan gw egoist banget !oo iya gw suka swearing2 yg ga jelas karena gw sekolah dasarpun ga selese maka nya bisa nya swearing2 mulu buat nutupin kegoblokan gw ....oo iya gw juga suka dandan kayak britney ... pokoknya merk dari A-Z gw punya ! Armani sampai Zegna , oo iya clips seperti ini tontonan gw sehari hari karena gw duda kesepian yg butuh kehangatan ( hahahaa najish bahasa gw ) trussssssssssssssssssss paaan lagi yaaaa ? ga jelas banget ya hahahaha inilah "image" gw hihhihihihihihih benarkah semua yg gw tulis ini pernyatan diri ( image ) gw ????? atau tulisan ini cuman fiktif ?????
intepretation ada di diri anda sendiri ...........................but stillllll u dont know me .... dan gw juga ga butuh memperlihatkan "siapa diri gw " .. God Knows siapa gw dan gw sendiri aja yg tau siapa gw ... orang lain ... enjoy aja dah jalan jalan di blog gw .. nikmatin clip , baca postingan ngasal gw ,liat porno di blog gw ...dan tulis di comment please kalo dah pada mampir ....
yg suka mampir dan yg cukup ngerti siapa gw si dunia virtual ini si Mathilda yg ber inisial M .. dan si Emak ( Winda ) , atau si Lissa yg 4 tahun terakhir ini sering ketemu gw di dunia nyata ini .. gw kangen dgn ke 3 cewe yg gw sebut terakhir ini ...... take care man ! ke 3 cewe tersebut gw siap " ketemu" di dunia nyata .....tapi gw ga siap ketemu stranger ..... ga boleh kata mamie ... bahaya hihihihihihih
later folks ! i love u all ......

anyway thx dah mampir hehehehhee
It's alright if you love me
It's alright if you don't
I'm not afraid of you running away,Honey,
I get the feeling you wont
There is no sense in pretending
Your eyes give you away
Something inside you is feeling like I do
We've said all there is to say

buat wanita yg berumur 40+ ... ga nolak neh gw ....

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Rave , hip hop, swing ????? tsssss keren an ini dah
Learn Disco ! ..... Click s.v.p

Monday, January 17, 2005

masih tentang B.spears dgn video baru nya
pink Hummer H2 & LV interior tssss awwww ngeri liat nya "Lord of the Blings" bangetttts kesan nya
Do sumthin Britney ......!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Only a fool believes

it's better to have loved and lost

Than never to have loved at all

So I don't wanna take that fall, it's a long, long, long way down

I'm hurt, love struck me down again, enticed me in and pulled the pin

Blew my tender heart sky high

Now in my pain, I'm asking why as I'm crying

Should I give it my last try or say goodbye

ugh barusan dapet e-mail dr si M ... banyak ceramah dia ... bawel !
email nya tentang gimana cara nya nyakitin wanita dan jadi playa ... hihihihihi ....
gaaaaaaaaaaaaa lah .. si M tuh wise dia .. selalu ngasih tau jalan benar , baik kok dia .. soooo kalo ada cowo yg bisa naklukin M gw pestain kawin lo ber dua! ke kutub utara honeymoon dan ticket pulang pergi jakarta - bekasi .... naik ojek !
M tuh sahabat gw , sahabat kecil gw beda umur ma gw 149 tahun .. dia lebih tua
cukup segini .. ttg M ... ntar muak dah yg baca * sengaja gak gw link krn dia suka tulis di tagboard juga ( ada link nya) *

hari ini gw negosiasi dgn salah satu company , butuh utangan , dan gw kerja jam 6 pagi berangkat dr rumah ... ke Leiden , ke Hilversum , dan Amsterdam , dan malam nya gw ke Utrecht ke tempat "temen" baru gw si Jess .
trus pulang ke rumah , masak , nonton dvd , tidur

Monday, January 10, 2005

wo ai ni ... Jess
bini baru isi nya blajar mulu ... ck ck ck kenapa ya gw suka ma cewe yg isi nya blajar mulu ...?
ketemu nya yg type gitu mulu , atau sekedar pada jaga image aja ye ???
tapi ga papa lah( kalo emang bener bener belajar ) ... investasi buat masa depan hehehehehehhe ....

Saturday, January 08, 2005

What the fuck you think it's doing to me?

You take your turn lashing out at me

I want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me

Ref :

All of my hate cannot be found

I will not be drowned by your

thoughtless scheming


you can try to tear me down

Beat me to the ground

I will see you screaming

----Thoughless - Korn------

kemaren beli dvd ..* sigh * beli ! yeah gw anti piracy ! hhehehe

evanescence anywhere but home ..... trus gw pas denger di mobil track nomer 6

suara pelan dgn piano aja dan mulai dgn refrain di atas yg gw kenal banget ! cool ! lagu nya KORN - thoughtless , expresi si amy lee laen banget dgn korn ! tapi lumayan juga

kalo ada yg mau denger original version ( KORN) refrain nya doang bisa click di sini

Friday, January 07, 2005

weeeeeeeee..... i m back ! ....
kalo malam gini gw "jalan jalan " baca baca blog org laen sambil nunggguin ngantuk dateng !
kadang kalo ada yg di ajak chat ya chat ... ga ada ya baca lagi atau iseng2 mainan photoshop dan macromedia ... bikin sesuatu
design T- shirt ... dan gw bikin dgn Text begini ... : IN MY WORLD YOU DONT EXIST
dgn fonts Base2 ... keren juga

trus baca blog org laen ada yg di kirimi barang ama ex nya ....photo2 yg di gunting lah , photo album yg di rusak lah .... hihi mesti nya beli t-shirt bikinan gw tuh ... "in my world you dont exist"
sungguh mengenaskan . org2 yg pernah mengalami jatuh cinta dan putus .. sampai sebegitu nya * ketok meja * .... jangan gw sampai begitu !
untung cewe2 yg putus ma gw baek baek semua nya ) berapa kali siii gw pacaran ???? ) hihihi
dan gw ga pernah berbuat tolol yg akhir nya merendahkan diri gw sendiri ,
gila gila gila ... photo , hadiah2 di balikin ... , kluarin duat buat kirim barang biar si ex nya sakit hati ... gilaaaaa bangets ,dah cukup banyak banget di dunia ini ttg sakit menyakiti dan di sakiti ... eh bukan nya bikin dunia ini tambah tentram ..... malah bikin musuh .... tssssss banget ....
bikin musuh tuh 3 sec juga dapet , tapi bikin temen tuh butuh waktu yg lama ...
buat orang2 spt cowo nya ex ( yg gw tulis di atas itu ) ...

ih jadi dah slogan baru buat design t-shirt . yeeee haaaaawwwww

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

"perfect male" Horny ... but sensitive
ga pernah nulis dah gw .. selalu blank kalo buka ini blog .. di isi gambar , ngeres mulu gambar nya .. gw nulis juga ngeres ..
sekrg coba mulai "bersih" ah ..
2005 man , ga musim ngasal lagi
barusan baca blog mrn021545421212.( sengaja gak gw link .. takut bowww ) yg kliatan nya lagi marah marah, dan eneg dgn mahluk yg ber gender cowo ! , begitulah dunia cowo ... craps , maka nya gw bosen jadi cowo
ego, materi , cewe cakep tsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss padahal barang2 begituan kalo kena tsunami .. ilang dah ! kelauttttttttttt bowwwwwww ....
eh eh pada denger gak neh ? kalo mau identificatie mayat di aceh mesti bayar 200 rebu / per mayat ! dan di thailand datang rombongan cowo dgn jaket merah( kenapa mesti merah ya ?? kok ga ijo gituuuuu , kan bisa kayak strip di blog gw kalo ijo ) curi itu anak anak kecil dan di jual ! duit duit duit .... ( pasti cowo dah ketua organisasi nya )

Monday, January 03, 2005

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Posting pertama di awal tahun ....
kemaren malam akhir nya saya tidak jadi kluar saudara2...
malahan dapet banyak sms dan ada 1 telephone tapi salah sambung kali ya ! ada suara Cewe ( jam 2 pagi ! )
C : "Oshin di sana ?"
J : WTF ??? who`s there ?
C :"Patxxx ? "
J : " ga ada ! siapa ni ? "
C : "oops sorry " * klik
J :* lempar telephone sambil ngedumel ! trus nyalain komputer patxxx ( yg di tanya oleh cewe tadi ) lagi OnLine di Msn ,gw tegur tapi diem aja , lagi ngapain ga tau dah .. u suck ! siapa tu betina !, ngasal aje main telphone gw
dan gw liat lagi nomer nya +191766788xx ni nomer dari mana ye Canada ? US ?

sebelum nya sms dr teman2 kerja yg isi nya bla bla alle beste wensen 2005 gezond bla bla yada yada yada .. tapi gw balesin semua .lagi baek gw !
yg sempet kirim pertama sms Hexxx Van der Velxxx ! jam 12 tepat so romantic u faggot ! hahahahaha thankz anyway
cuman ada satu org yg gw kirim sms dan ga bales ,kalo gw ngucapin yg begituan gw ga pernah nunggu balesan, cuman ya ngerasa sayang2 pulsa gw hihihi ,character dan etiquette yg bicara lah kalo begitu

update :
ada juga yg kirim dgn Afzender ( pengirim ) BITCH ( Babe in Tottaly Control Herself ) who the f*ck r u ??? dgn nomer +1826336XXX , sempet2 nya bikin Acronym begituan hihi thx juga !

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