Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Crapz :

Once you start looking for the great you will find it everywhere. You will not find a place where the great is not. That is one of the greatest insights of modern physics. Searching for the smallest they have stumbled upon the greatest source of energy. Looking for the atom they have discovered atomic energy. The small only appears small, it is an appearance. It contains the great.
And you cannot find the great directly. Whenever you search you will find the small , the small is the way of the great to express itself. You cannot see the ocean you always see this wave or that wave. Only waves are seen, the ocean remains unseen. The ocean has to be inferred because the waves cannot exist without it. So we see the small parts the man, the woman, the tree, the mountain, the particle of dust, a drop of water, but these are just forms. Penetrate deeply into them and they become doors, doors to the infinite

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